Rewards Automator for Bing PRO 2.1.0
A simple to use application to quicklyaccumulate your reward credits for the day.There is also a FREE version of this application, found at you would like to test drive it before making your $1.99commitment :)**Sometimes, the actual website does not grant any rewardcredits for searching. Even if you were to search on a computer, itstill would not give you any reward credits. As an indication ofthis, no searches will appear, and it will seem as if theapplication is not doing anything. Quite the contrary, as in thebackground it is still running, but not appearing. You will not getany credit for these searches, and the only search you willphysically be able to see is the last search. This has nothing todo with my application - try again at a later time and most of thetime it does work! Again, this is not because of my application butrather because of the actual website. And if you don't believeme... when this happens in the application, go on the actualwebsite, and search regularly, and you will not get any rewardcredits for that either.**All of the information you need can be found in the Informationtab within the application itself.Please do not hesitate to shoot me an e-mail with any questions,suggestions, comments, etc. I would much prefer to receive ane-mail flaming me for a problem directly rather than reading a 1star review! I respond pretty quickly to most emails. My e-mailaddress can be found at the bottom of this page.**PRO VERSION**Please note, that v2.0 has brought many changes andimprovements, including multi-account support. Please see theinformation tab within the application itself for full details onhow to use this new version.If you choose not to use multi-account, or if it is giving youtrouble, please use the 'Single Account' automator - which is thesame setup as versions previous to 2.0.In this version, doing an auto search will also automaticallysearch on the mobile site as well, which will satisfy therequirements for earning the extra 10 credits per day via mobilesearches. Also, regular searches are twice as fast as the basicversion of this application.PLEASE NOTE, THAT THIS APPLICATION IS NOT CREATED BY, ENDORSEDBY, OR AFFILIATED WITH BING OR MICROSOFT IN ANY WAY.